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A group (G, * ) consists of a set G and a binary operation * such that

  • G is closed under *
    This means that if g * h belongs to G for all g, h \in G.
  • Associativity
    This implies that g_1 * (g_2 * g_3) = (g_1 * g_2) * g_3 for all g_1, g_2, g_3 \in G.
  • There exists an identity element
    There exists an element e such that g * e = e * g = g for all g \in G.
  • Every element has an inverse.
    For every element g \in G, there exists an element h such that g * h = h * g = e.

Some examples of groups are (\mathbb{Z}, +), (\mathbb{Z}_0, \times).

If the group operation is commutative, then we say the group is abelian.

The order of the group is the number of elements in the group. |G|.

The order of an element g is the minimum integer n such that g^n = e.

Last update: March 17, 2021