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How to Contribute#

You can help improve this wiki! Here are some ways in which you can contribute to this wiki.

  • Write content for missing topics
  • Add figures and examples to existing topics
  • Write solutions for existing examples
  • Suggest topics that have not yet been covered
  • Spot (and fix) conceptual mistakes
  • Spot (and fix) spelling and grammatical mistakes
  • Share suggestions to improve this wiki

Your name will be added to the list of contributors (unless you ask to be omitted).

Ways to contribute#

GitHub Pull Requests#

You can click on the edit button (the pencil icon) present on each page to suggest edits. This will take you to the source file on GitHub. You can then fork the repository, make changes, and create a pull request. I will approve and merge the changes.

GitHub Discussions#

You can make use of issues and discussions on GitHub. These are great for asking questions, reporting issues, and sharing ideas.


You can also write to Pranshu, the wiki maintainer, at .

Style Guide#

Kindly read and follow the style guide before you make your submissions.


By contributing to, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its CC BY-SA 4.0 licence.

Last update: April 2, 2021